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Welcome to the Vitafriends Explorers Club!

Vitafriends Explorers Club is an education programme designed to help support your family as you begin your PKU Journey.
Designed to complement information provided by your dietitian, from this point on you can expect to start unlocking age-appropriate information in your online portal as your child reaches key milestones — covering topics like an overview of the low protein diet, weaning, cooking with specially made low protein foods, starting nursery and of course, lots of easy and delicious low protein recipes!

We will send you handy emails every time your child hits a milestone so don’t worry about missing anything!



Initially, the information is intended to support you as you get to grips with things. As your little one grows up, we’ll send fun and engaging bits and pieces in the post that will help them understand PKU and the importance of their low protein diet.

We’ll do this with a little help from our friends, The Vitamites! Lenny the Ladybug, Antonio the Ant, Lizzy the Bumblebee, Sprout the Caterpillar, Flora the Butterfly and Sheldon the Snail make up a group of friendly bugs with PKU, who regularly head out on little adventures with their human friends.

Waiting for you below, you will find an introduction to PKU, as well as a letter from a parent of a child with PKU discussing their experience of what it’s like at the beginning of the journey.